Παρασκευή 21 Απριλίου 2017

FARO196 Philippe Baden Powell Official - Notes Over Poetry on Far Out Recordings

FARO196 Philippe Baden Powell Official - Notes Over Poetry 24.03.17///Already OUT ON Far Out Recordings///Pianist Philippe Baden Powell is already having examined all the jazz standards and this is obvious from his sound diversity. As a result ‘’Notes Over Poetry’’ is in a continuous rotation around classical jazz where Brazilian jazz even sometimes world's folk sound are satellites among different directions. Philippe Baden Powell album on Far Out Recordings could a listening pleasure for any jazz listener. - DJ Nova, NovavoN#NovaPlanetRadioShow#RodonFM95/// PLAYED:https://mixcloud.com/NovaPlanetRadioShow/20170202-10112/ #brazil #brazilianjazz #mpb #bossanova #jazz #latinjazz #Brazillian #samba

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