Τρίτη 17 Ιανουαρίου 2012

TDR12 001 Stan Smith - The Get Up Movement (Tokyo Dawn Records/DE)

TDR12 001 Stan Smith - The Get Up Movement (Tokyo Dawn Records/DE)

Stan Smith's debut long player sounds classic and perfect for streetlife and nightlife. With Daz-I-Kue, Rahgroove, SoulParlor and Yellowtail on the beats nothing can't go wrong. From pure broken beat until the funkier and galactic boogie beats philoshophy the production team did its bests. 'Fix Your Face'' sound like Dj Nova's highlight here is, 'If You Wanna'' diskotek hit the floor for sure, ''Who Rocks Ya'' represents the outerspace sound of the album and ''Shake'n'break'' breaks it all - great style on this one - and West London's figures ''The Motto'' and afro ''Ready'' follows. - DJ Nova, Nova Planet Radio Show

RELEASE DATE: 30.01.12

PRETATSE: http://www.tokyodawn.net/stan_smith-the_get_up_movement/


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