Πέμπτη 17 Μαρτίου 2011

club rodon - 16/03/2011

1994-2011 : memoirs of a radio dj vol.2

1. Pan Sonic -  Radiokemia (6:02)
2. Squarepusher -  Theme From Vertical Hold (4:25)
3. The Amps - Bragging Party (4:33)
4. Mark Eitzel - Ain't No Sunshine (4:34)
5. Yo La Tengo - Little Honda (3:08)
6. Henry Mancini - Lujon (2:38)
7. You Hand In Mine - The Sluggish Postman (3:45)
8. Cuba -  Winter Hill (5:13)
9. Anywhen - The Siren Songs (6:06)
10. Sigur Rσs - Untitled #1 (Vaka) (6:43)
11. Arab Strap - There Is No Ending (5:33)
dj: mihalis emmanouilidis 

1 σχόλιο:

Dj Nova είπε...

Yo La Tengo & Manchini !!! MMmmm

Γυμνή Νύχτα # 422 - 15/08/2023
