Τετάρτη 12 Απριλίου 2006

tranzistor.gr.....the 6th radio show

τετάρτη 12/04/2006...22:00-23:00
.......aggelos k...............................

part 1

1. The low frequency in stereo- Bahamas
2. Televise- Feel
3. Lampshade- its okay
4. Jeniferever- From across the sea
5. Demon and Naomi- While my guitar gently weeps
6. My wet Calvin- Lay a whisper
7. Sin- Poem for Raphaelle

part 2

1. Radio Dept- The worst taste in music
2. Tilly and the wall- you and I misbehaving
3. Postal blue- the world doesn’t need you
4. Pia Fraus- Pretend to be here
5. Pipettes- your kisses are waste on me
6. Camera Obscura- Lloyd I’m ready to be heartbroken
7. Cut copy- Going nowhere
8. Pet Shop Boys- I’m with stupid
9. Cassiotone for the painfully alone- Young shields

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